Electricity is a clean, efficient and readily available source of energy. However, if used incorrectly, it can be fatal. Please call us immediately if you notice any of the following hazardous situations:

  • broken utility poles
  • tree limbs, antenna or other obstructions on or very close to utility lines
  • wires dangling from utility poles
  • wires on the ground

Emergency generators improperly connected can create a very dangerous condition. Please contact the Cooperative before installing standby generation. The Cooperative requires any member or account served by Renville-Sibley  with a standby plant to have a double throw switch approved by RSCPA and connected in accordance with the code of the State Board of Electricity of the State of Minnesota and must be properly approved by a licensed inspector.  When your stand-by generator is being operated, a double-throw switch is required - it will help:

  • Protect the public, your neighbors and the Cooperative's personnel from accidental electrocution.
  • Protect the electric equipment belonging to you or your neighbor from serious damage.

A right-of-way clear of trees and brush is essential for the efficient and safe operation of distribution power lines. Tree limbs in contact with electric lines may cause power outages, become potential fire hazards, and/or endanger the lives of children climbing trees. Trees that threaten the reliability of your electric service will be trimmed or removed by the Cooperative at no cost to you.

We wish to provide the best possible service to each member. Therefore, it is a condition of membership, that all employees and agents be granted the right to have access to your premises at reasonable times to read meters; test, repair or replace any equipment which is the property of the Cooperative; or to connect or disconnect service.

To learn more about being safe around electricity, visit safeelectricity.org.