Renville-Sibley Co-op Annual Meeting

The 82nd annual meeting of Renville-Sibley Co-op Power, which was to be held on Thursday, March 26, 2020, was canceled due to the current COVID-19 situation. The By-Laws allow the cooperative to hold the annual meeting of the membership before August 31st of each year. The board of directors has rescheduled the annual meeting for Thursday, August 27 at the Island Ballroom. The meeting will be held as a drive-up meeting. Members should have received a postcard with more information and are asked to bring this postcard to the annual meeting to receive the $10 energy credit. Members should pre-register for the event by calling 800-826-2593 by Wednesday, August 26th. 

The By-Laws also state that any subject submitted to a vote by mail, the members present in person and represented by mail vote, shall both be counted as present. Therefore, as long as at least seventy-five (75) members cast a ballot for the election of directors, the election will be counted and valid. The number of ballots cast for this election was slightly higher than in previous years. 

On the evening of March 26, a representative of the cooperative was at the Island Ballroom to collect any ballots that may have come in from members who did not hear that the annual meeting was cancelled. The annual meeting tellers were at the cooperative board room counting the ballots. The following have received the highest number of votes and are therefore elected as directors of said districts for a 3-year term:

District 1: Kylie Rieke

District 2: Matthew Haubrich

District 3: Roger Manthei

As long as there were three tellers in the office and there were three scholarship winners to be selected by random drawing, each teller drew a name of a scholarship applicant to be the winner of a $1,000 scholarship. The following students were selected:

Connor Aalderks, son of Ryan and Jeni Aalderks

Anthony Maher, son of Tom and Sara Maher

Colby Schroeder, son of Dale and Lisa Schroeder


Watch upcoming newsletters for information on the rescheduled annual meeting.

Renville-Sibley's 2019 Annual Report